Gene Pottinger was the founder of Blendex in 1979. Here is a newsletter article he wrote to the Blendex employees in 1991. It is a good example of his heart and values, the same heart and values his son Ron uses to lead Blendex today:
Blendex consistency exceeds most restaurant back room prep stations
Blendex Custom Blending - Cornerstone Values
Use quality materials and price our products fairly.
Beware of complacency – Always look ahead.
Continue to re-evaluate our products.
Employ persons who are honest and have integrity.
Respect our customers.
Always be proud to sell our products.
Food Processor Problem Solving
Blendex Custom Blending is known to solve logistic, cost and quality issues for food processors!
Blendex earns "AA" rating with BRC in 2017 for safe, legal and quality food products
In June 2017 Blendex again scored the highest rating possible with the BRC, GFSI 3rd party audit for food safety, legality and quality! Well done Blendex staff! Blendex isn't satisfied though, we are already improving and growing for next year.
Before being GFSI certified, for more than a decade, Blendex was audited for GMPs by AIB and annually was rated highly.
Blendex has a great history and track record for producing quality and safe food products. Take a look at the Blendex lobby and the awards in the background!